Ducimus perferendis, tempore. Incidunt. Minim hendrerit provident condimentum diam? Itaque, sequi sunt repellat praesentium ipsum eros scelerisque iaculis! Recusandae recusandae etiam.
Fondé à Bamako en 2010, FSD CONSEILS est l’un des principaux Cabinets d’Avocats installés au Mali.
Il est dirigé par Maître Fatoumata SIDIBE DIARRA, Avocate à la Cour, inscrite au Barreau de Paris (France) et du Mali.
FSD Conseils has a multi-skilled team, organized around several areas of expertise, and provides solutions tailored to the needs of its customers.
Located in Hamdallaye ACI 2000, in the heart of Bamako's business centers, the firm combines proximity, attentiveness and expertise.
Le Cabinet FSD Conseils entend privilégier une relation personnalisée avec chacun de ses clients et une politique qualité.
FSD Conseils is guided by the essential principles of the legal profession, which determine the lawyer's behavior in all circumstances: dignity, conscience, independence, probity, humanity...
Cabinet members also respect the principles of honor, loyalty, confraternity, delicacy, moderation and courtesy.
They demonstrate competence, dedication, diligence and prudence towards their customers.
Droit des affaires, Droit des Sociétés, Droit du Travail et Contentieux Privé